

One day, I was standing outside my house. I observed some kids who were playing with clay pots. They were also trying to make a huge fort of soil. one of the elder boys, achieve his target by making a big fort out of it. He was feeling excited after that. Yeah!! I can do it. *Hurray, hurray* His other follows also started cheering. A lad who is jumping in joy mistakenly hit the fort. After this sudden incident children started shouting. Awww! What happened! Why did you do this? The younger boy started and beat the kid badly. Some wise adolescents relaxed the big boy. A few minutes later they claim down and start playing again. At that time the whole children group contributes to building up again. They are feeling joyous to see his fort. I was engrossed in this scene as it was fascinating to my eyes and contented to my heart. I thought if every human being acts like this then how much harmony, sympathy, smoothness, and affection is increased between us. Some say there is no happiness around us. Depression, tension and bad things have widespread in our society and everywhere in the world. But if every man tries to make relations, give love to each other, start feeling blissful with the small things and nature then he will have no complaint about any circumstances because of the real satisfaction conceal in our mind and its also created by our own thoughts.
Words: 250

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